full dome music video clip

This music video is part of a full dome show held in Spain in 2019


Since the deadline was very tight and the output needed to be 4K resolution video,
It was decided to use Notch.
One of the tasks was to animate a large number of pipes, for this purpose the patch "pipe generator" was assembled in Notch, which is a constructor, which greatly accelerated the work on the project.
Lip sync animation was controlled inside the project by means of nodes. For this purpose animation with basic facial expressions was baked in advance, nodes triggering sequences in a certain time range were used in Notch.
The project has audio reactive elements, here are some of the developments:

Eyepiece reacting to music                           Steam pulsing to the beat

Moving laser planes                                             Audio reactive camera 
VFX expiriments:
VR 4k test version:

notch artist - Vitaly v1s0
head model - Nikita Voynov
original artwork - Dooydodoom
music - Dаmiаn Fоrсе
Thanks for watching!

